
Leadership in large-size dry bulk
Our size is not only an advantage. It is also an obligation.

As the largest owner of Capesize vessels in the world and a significant player in the Panamax segment, we want to go beyond expectations. We want to lead from the front.

Our size allows us to practice true leadership – and enables us to operate on a low-cost base with a higher upside. With high ambitions and a low average fleet age, we aim to lead the large-size dry bulk shipping business for years to come.

Cost leadership
Cost leadership is not only an internal priority and a strategic approach to doing business. It is what sets us apart.

Well-timed acquisitions, economies of scale, and access to competitive financing are some of the reasons why we have the lowest cash break-even among our listed peers.

Low cost is an advantage when markets are profitable, but it also serves as downside protection ­– and it is a true value-add to our investors.

Leadership by sharing
The Board of Directors remains committed to returning value to its shareholders through dividends.

While the amount and timing of any future dividend payments will be based on Company’s results, investment opportunities and the prevailing market conditions, it is the Company’s intent to distribute a significant portion of its earnings in line with the Company’s current strong market expectations.

Leading decarbonisation
Decarbonisation is at the core of our strategy, as we believe it will forever change the ship-owning business model. To maintain our leading position, we must transition from a high-carbon to a low – and eventually – zero-carbon model.

We see decarbonisation as an investment in the future. Not only is it the right thing to do, as we have a prominent role and responsibility in lowering the emissions of the shipping sector. We also see it as future-proofing our business model, where we respond to a rise in our customers’ demand of low-emitting tonnage by slowly but surely building a competitive green fleet.

But decarbonisation is more than the future. It is also the here and now. Decarbonisation is a direct investment in increasing our fleet’s efficiency by lowering fuel consumption. As such, our initiatives benefit the environment and our investors at the same time. Every time we save fuel, we lower costs.

We meet the challenges short-term by upgrading vessels with new equipment and materials such as low-friction paint and special propellers – but also by installing sensors to provide us with high-frequency data instantly available for better decision-making on speed, engine settings, etc.

For the medium and long term, we intensely monitor new technologies and fuel types to be able to react swiftly when viable solutions present themselves.

Building a competitive green fleet is key to protecting Golden Ocean’s position as a leading dry bulk company and to ensure a future where responsible shipping meets profitable business.